The Crowded Room is an American psychological thriller miniseries created by Akiva Goldsman and inspired by the 1981 non-fiction novel The Minds of Billy Milligan by Daniel Keyes. Tom Holland, Amanda Seyfried, and Emmy Rossum lead a supporting cast that includes Sasha Lane, Will Chase, Lior Raz, Laila Robins, and Henry Eikenberry.

The series follows Danny Sullivan (Holland) after he was arrested for his involvement in a New York City shooting in 1979. Danny unveils his life through a series of interviews with interrogator Rya Goodwin (Seyfried), and slowly details to Rya, and the audience, his mysterious past that led him to the fateful incident.

On June 9, 2023, The Crowded Room premiered with its first three episodes on Apple TV+.

Frank made new drawings of the cast, helped the director compile Danny’s sketchbook from her past and new work, and advised on scenic for Danny’s bedroom, art studio and childhood room. Working with Holland on techniques of drawing, Frank also served as hand double for most of the drawing scenes in the series.

