A Jarful of Bees is a multimedia, immersive short film created in collaboration with critically acclaimed painter Natalie Frank and internationally renowned artist/animator Erin Pollock, text by Pulitzer-winning librettist Royce Vavrek, music by Paola Prestini, and sung by Metropolitan Opera mezzo-soprano Eve Gigliotti, 2021.
A Jarful of Bees is a collaboration between these five artists that explores the transformation of memory and the mutability of the familial relationship between a daughter and her father. The film weaves together Frank and Pollock's animated painting, drawing, and claymation into a dreamlike visual landscape that elucidates my score for vocals and electronics, and the ethereal voice of Gigliotti, who developed the concept for the work with Prestini. A Jarful of Bees was commissioned by Jill Steinberg and WNET’s ALL ARTS, and performed on PBS. Performed with Opera Philadelphia, Part of Festival O22, 2022.