A Jarful of Bees is a multimedia, immersive short film created in collaboration with critically acclaimed painter Natalie Frank and internationally renowned artist/animator Erin Pollock, text by Pulitzer-winning librettist Royce Vavrek, music by Paola Prestini, and sung by Metropolitan Opera mezzo-soprano Eve Gigliotti, 2021.

A Jarful of Bees is a collaboration between these five artists that explores the transformation of memory and the mutability of the familial relationship between a daughter and her father. The film weaves together Frank and Pollock's animated painting, drawing, and claymation into a dreamlike visual landscape that elucidates my score for vocals and electronics, and the ethereal voice of Gigliotti, who developed the concept for the work with Prestini. A Jarful of Bees was commissioned by Jill Steinberg and WNET’s ALL ARTS, and performed on PBS. Performed with Opera Philadelphia, Part of Festival O22, 2022.

Jarful of Bees, trailer


Liz Phair, Exile in Guyville Tour